Not a porridge lover, or simple looking for a change? This is it. And to put it politely – IT ROCKS! Per Person
There is nothing quite like a late brunch of hot pancakes, with a sprinkling of berries and cinnamon. It’s what winter mornings are made for J Makes 12 Ingredient
Easiest EVER Granola Bars
These are so addictive. And packed with PROTIEN to give your body and your brain a boost. All you need to do is make your weekly batch of granola and stir it up Makes 4 Ingredient
Easy Granola
One of our favourite breakfast toppings and super easy to make. All clean, no refined sugars and filled with nutritious nuts and seeds. Sprinkle it on porridge, yogurt, or simply eat it with milk. Over 180c Ingredient
Lunchbox Muffin
Breakfast, snack, lunch…..these babies work just about any time of day and they’re NUT FREE so the kids can bring them to school ☺ Makes 12 Oven 200c Ingredient
Porridge pots
Autumn is here guys, so we need porridge. It’s filing and warming and by pre-making these easy pots, it’s now fast too. Simply layer them up and set aside for breakfast during the week. Per pot – serves one
Cranberry, Almond Cereal
This is a must – make this today and you’ll be thanking yourself all week. SUPER EASY! ONE PAN and ONE BOWL. Processed cereals are so full of hidden additives, salts, sugars and other nasties that I much prefer to […]
Health Bars
These are my favourite go to snack for energy and beating any sugar cravings. The kids adore them and the drizzle of dark chocolate makes them the perfect little treat. Makes 14 Oven 200c Ingredient
No Junk Muffin
This is my BREAKFAST/PACKED LUNCH go to. NO REFINED SUGARS, filled with wholemeal goodness and nut free SO KIDS CAN TAKE IT TO SCHOOL – whoop whoop. Treat that’s GOOD FOR YOU! Makes 14 Ingredient
Eggy Dippers
Best brunch EVER…. or snack, or lunch, or breakfast or lazy supper….. the options are endless. My kids adored the fun of this and the colours all look so pretty, they just couldn’t wait to get stuck in.