Dreamy Leftovers

You have a roast chicken dinner, stuffing, mash….what do you do with the leftovers? (if you have any)


Serves 4


Oven 180c



  • 3tbsp oil


  • 2 handfuls cold cooked chicken


  • Any leftover stuffing


  • Any remaining gravy


  • Any remaining mashed potato


  • 3 leeks, chopped


  • A handful of peas, or carrots, or sprouts, broccoli…. Whatever you have


  1. Heat the oil in a pot and cook the leeks until soft.
  2. Add the chicken, stuffing and cook for a few minutes. Add whatever else you have and heat through. Put into an ovenproof dish and pour over the gravy.
  3. Top with the mash, leaving it rough on top. Pop in the oven for around 40mins. Serve with salad.


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